Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
110 lines
REM ************************************************************
REM This line sets up the configuration for ObsRes
REM The translator is to be ON
REM The translation echo is disabled
REM Aliases are not case sensitive
REM Translations are to be applied recursively
REM ************************************************************
alias /on /noecho /nocase /recurse
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: CD Directory
REM command: CHDIR Directory
REM purpose: To change directories
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias cd ocd /push /update
alias chdir ocd /push /update
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: COPY Source(WildSpec or Directory) [Target]
REM purpose: Copies files from source to target
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias copy mf /c
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: DEL WildSpec or Directory
REM command: ERASE WildSpec or Directory
REM purpose: To delete the specified files, or dir contents
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias del mf /d
alias erase mf /d
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: DIR {WildSpec} [Directory]
REM purpose: To list files
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias dir lf
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: MD Directory
REM command: MKDIR Directory
REM purpose: Creates a new directory and updates HotDir file
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias md ocd /mkdir
alias mkdir ocd /mkdir
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: PATH [string]
REM purpose: Sets the path = string / enables path editor
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias /nospace path ee /edit /noremove path=
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: PROMPT [string]
REM purpose: Sets the prompt = string / enables prompt editor
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias /nospace prompt ee /edit /noremove prompt=
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: RD Directory
REM command: RMDIR Directory
REM purpose: Removes the directory, and updates HotDir file
REM comment: Directory must be empty
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias rd ocd /rmdir
alias rmdir ocd /rmdir
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: REN Source(WildSpec or Directory) [Target]
REM command: RENAME Source(WildSpec or Directory) [Target]
REM purpose: Change file or directory names
REM Move files between directories
REM If Target is absent, files will be moved to the
REM current directory
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias ren mf /m
alias rename mf /m
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: SET [variable[=definition]]
REM purpose: Establish or change an environment variable
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias set ee /edit
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM command: TYPE {WildSpec}
REM purpose: Display the files on the screen
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias type fd
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM clear the OB definition
REM Tools must be visible via path
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias /null ob
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM map all the tools to the Toolkit directory
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
alias alias ob alias.exe
alias ds ob ds.exe
alias ee ob ee.exe
alias fd ob fd.exe
alias lf ob lf.exe
alias locate ob locate.exe
alias mf ob mf.exe
alias ocd ob ocd.exe
alias reres ob reres.com